

Why that well-written marketing mail could be a spam? For a fact we know that almost 80% of the marketing mails that our hosting clients receive could be included in the spam category. And the spam doesn’t stop there…In addition there are forum posts, blog comments, irrelevant service calls and almost every other thing you use…There are number of ways at which a spammer can reach and influence your decision. With the spamming taking higher level of sophistication, having the right information could be the only way of being on the safe-side. With the years of interaction with our clients, we have developed an acute knowledge for internet spamming. So here are discussing the dark ways of spamming for our your own discretion.

What is Spam and Why Do They Do It.

The Spam is a message that deliberates misinforms and manipulates you into making an incorrect decision. The spammers usually tries to sell outdated product or services that are currently irrelevant or do-harm to your business prospects.(think of a marketing company trying to sell black-hat SEO banned by Google).

SEO Proposals

Almost every website receive their share of SEO proposals every day; Our SEO team has achieved top rankings for the highly competitive hosting related search terms; Even we regularly are offered helping-hands for an expert SEO, who barely understands how the cyber-world works.

Rule No.1 : 

As a rule of thumb, always discard the anonymous SEO proposals. These include both the emails and entries at the website comment or spam sections. Play safe with a company who has reputed credentials and reputation. You may also need be independently verify the ranking claims and practices. Hiring the right SEO agency has taken an elevated significance as the wrong decision could put your website on harm’s way.

Comment Spamming

Among all the spams these are particularly smelly and aggressive! Here the spammers casually drop-off their description-anchor text upon your precious blogs or forums. These are the means of scavenging your visitors away from your website. If it seems that you are unaware or not-bothered, then your website is immediately slimed with spam. These can also be a means to link-out your website to potentially unwarranted spaces.

Rule No.2 : 

Always monitor what is being posted on your website; You can use a wordpress moderator plug-in or similar plug-ins to ensure this facility. If you are allowing guest blogging or a forum, always ensure that you are never caught unaware.

Social Media Spamming

Be it facebook likes or twitter followers, today social media interaction is hot and current! If you have built a successful following in any social media, you are a hot target for social media spammer. The social media attacks also has some aspects of phishing and hacker attacks. These usually includes clicking an attention-grasping looking link or photo, which inevitably leads you to post an unintended marketing message on your profile.

Rule No.3 :

 Always monitor what is being posted on your profile; If your profile gathers a healthy following there are increasing risks of getting hacked. If you notice a particular spam page, facebook has the facility to notify suspicious Emails and notifications. Twitter also employs active filters to eliminate the spam tweets.

Email Proposals

Although it isn’t directly connected to your websites, an article on spamming cannot be completed without the mention of spamming. Today the spam filters of major email providers such as G-mail and Hotmail is largely sophisticated. But still a large portion of spam mails slips through the filters.

Rule No.4 :

The phishing attacks generally follows a tried & tested sample format. It can be a generous offer from a billionaire under grief, marriage proposal or even a job opportunity. The marketing offers generally offers you a generous sample, which could lead into a sale.

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